职业生涯 & 工作经验

你准备好体验了吗 贝洛伊特的影响?

We prepare students to not only find a career, but to st和 out 和 thrive in whatever they want to do. 这是 贝洛伊特的影响.

Beloit students are always able to speak with an advisor about career 和 internship opportunities at Beloit students are always able to speak with an advisor about career 和 internship opportunities at 职业工作.

Bring your interests — we’ll provide opportunities with impact

Beloiters have many opportunities to learn from 和 work with the local Beloit community, 从实习到 Beloiters have many opportunities to learn from 和 work with the local Beloit community, 从实习到 收集当地历史. Beloit is positioned to help students prepare for meaningful lives after college. Beloit students graduate ahead of the game: knowing how to learn, 成长, 和 succeed throughout their lives.

我们通过 影响贝洛伊特, our initiative that ensures career exploration 和 readiness are integrated throughout the curriculum 和 student experience.

This means there are plenty of opportunities for you to learn professional skills 和 prepare for your own career, often working with our local community organizations 和 businesses.

Programs ready to help make an impact

You will discover a range of offices 和 programs dedicated to your career 和 work experience within 影响贝洛伊特:

Students screen dirt for artifacts during an anthropological survey on campus.


Where students make direct connections between their Beloit experiences 和 careers, exploring their interests to identify potential pathways.

A 十大菠菜台子 student hones their career search skills in mock interviews.

Find 和 prepare for opportunities

为学生提供建议, 指导, 网络, 和 other experiences via a professionally staffed career center to help them prepare resumes, 获得实习机会, 申请工作, 和 be admitted to graduate school.

James Wicker'21 using CELEB's CNC machine to prepare for a build


An innovative building in downtown Beloit that provides 指导, 空间, 和 resources to help students turn ideas into reality through its 创业孵化器,由 艺术画廊, 电影和媒体制作实验室,学生 基金会, 音乐录音室, a 公司实验室 for h和s-on creativity 和 collaboration, 和 more.

Beloit Farmer's Market is every Saturday from May to October.


Making 十大菠菜台子 an essential part of the city’s ecosystem by creating opportunities for students to learn responsible, informed citizenship through volunteering 和 other forms of community engagement, 和 by exp和ing the college’s outreach in arts, 真人国际菠菜, 派驻, 以及其他浓缩项目.

Saad Ahsan'21, Garrett Moore'20, 和 Beth Burnson'88 chat during Beloit's 2019 Econ Day in Chicago.


From providing internships 和 connections to professionals within their fields, to helping students get ready for an important interview, 在一个新城市打开大门, Beloit alumni are available to mentor 和 guide students.


海盗船库,一个例子 &... 海盗船库,一个例子 Beloit's student-led clubs 和 organizations, helps the college community access 和 enjoy the local Rock River safely. There are many things you cannot learn in a classroom. We intentionally blur the lines between curricular 和 co-curricular, 校园与社区, 课堂与职业.

You will discover quickly that anything you do can be a learning experience. 领导一个校园社团, 策划重大活动, taking a position in student government: your experiences help build skills that employers 和 graduate schools value most.

在贝洛伊特, there are many opportunities for you to pursue a an internship or undergraduate research project. Each will be more than a line on a resume: we make sure you learn all you can from each opportunity, 你甚至可以得到 academic credit for your internships.

Making your own impact after Beloit

Beloit students graduate ready to find success in their careers 和 contribute to the world.

我们的 职业中心 helps you create compelling applications for internships, jobs, or graduate programs. Advisors work with you to polish your resume, 练习面试技巧, 和 help you underst和 the values that are important in the workplace.

You’ll have the opportunity to be paired with Beloit alumni mentors through 校友联系. Your fellow Beloiters offer inspiration, 实际的指导, 和 access to the professional networks you need to succeed.

When the time comes for you to start your career, you will be well-equipped to find the opportunities you want, 突出的, 和 start making your own impact on the world. 在时间, you will become the inspiration for future Beloiters, just as our alumni mentors will be for you.



环境地质生物学 双学位 Emmalynn可能“23 worked with the Montana Conservation Corps, 指导学生, 维护远足路线, 和 paving her own way for a career of protecting state 和 national parks.

The experience has transformed Emmalynn’s hopes for her own career post-Beloit. The Maryl和 native is hoping to end up back in Montana, 或者至少在西部, with the hopes of working with Montana Conservation Corps again, 和 later for an agency like the National Forest Service or the Bureau of L和 Management.

“Knowing that I have this [career] on the other side has made me pretty excited,” she says. “我准备好了。.”


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